Lean Startup principles are essential for Agile Product Management, offering a systematic approach to creating and managing startups. The goal is to deliver products that customers love, while minimising the time spent on creating non-value-adding features. The Lean Startup cycle consists of three stages: Build, Measure, Learn. The ‘Build’ stage involves creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – a version of the product with just enough features to attract early adopters. The ‘Measure’ stage involves gauging how customers use the product, while the ‘Learn’ stage involves gaining insights from the data collected, which subsequently informs the next ‘Build’ stage.

The Lean Startup approach encourages experimentation over elaborate planning, customer feedback over intuition, and iterative design over traditional ‘big design upfront’ development. It’s a methodology that’s particularly well-suited to environments of extreme uncertainty, such as a new business or product.

An important concept in Lean Startup is ‘validated learning’, which involves conducting experiments to test each element of a business vision. Through this process, startups can learn whether they’re on the right track and adjust their plans accordingly. The ultimate aim is to achieve product-market fit – a stage where the product meets the needs of the market. This approach helps startups to avoid the common pitfall of spending too much time and resources on building products based on untested assumptions.

Go to source article: http://www.slideshare.net/proyectalis/lean-startup-for-agile-product-management-drawingsprint