Algorithms are increasingly becoming a significant part of our daily lives, and their influence is growing in the workplace too. They are equipped to handle the complexities of hierarchical decision-making, freeing humans to focus on networks. Networks, unlike hierarchies, are flexible and adaptable, making them ideal for the fast-paced, ever-changing world of work.

Hierarchies are not naturally occurring phenomena but are constructs of the human mind, designed to manage complexity. However, their rigid structure can be a hindrance in today’s rapidly evolving business environment. Conversely, networks, which are natural systems, are better suited to handle complexity. They are resilient and adaptable, making them ideal for dealing with unexpected changes and challenges.

Algorithms are perfectly suited to manage hierarchies. They can handle the complexity and provide clear, unbiased decisions, leaving humans free to focus on nurturing networks. By using algorithms to manage hierarchies, organisations can become more adaptable and resilient, better equipped to handle the challenges of the modern business landscape.

The rise of algorithms and networks in the workplace is indicative of a shift in the way we work. The focus is moving away from rigid hierarchies towards more flexible, adaptable networks, managed by algorithms. This shift presents an opportunity for organisations to become more resilient and adaptable, ready to face the challenges of the future.

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