Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business

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Can companies become self-tuning by using algorithms, and what would the variables look like?

Ellen Berrey will explore the how organisations can bring about greater equality on the Orgtheory blog over the next few weeks.

It is not employee engagement, but rather employee involvement that firms should be striving for.



8 tips for collaboration in the digital age from TED’s tech team.

The three speeds of collaboration, and how to pick the right social tool.

10 elements present in newsrooms that are quick wins for digital transformation.



Why the car industry is unique, hence emulating the Uber model in other industries is a challenging task.

Matt Edgar on applying a service design mentality to Government.

In depth piece on Marc Andressen and how a16z has changed the business of venture capitalists.



Behavioural transition strategies for E2.0 (2009)