Digital transformation, a significant change driven by digital technologies, is affecting businesses globally. Middle management, often overlooked, is crucial in this shift. Middle managers bridge the gap between strategic vision and operational execution, but they face challenges in their role.

A study involving 1,000 middle managers in France showed that 72% feel left out of the digital transformation process. They struggle with a lack of clear vision, insufficient training, and the fast pace of change. Despite this, 83% are ready to support digital transformation if given the right tools and training.

Middle managers can be change agents in digital transformation. Their proximity to operational teams allows them to identify practical issues and potential solutions. They can also facilitate communication between top management and teams, ensuring alignment.

To leverage middle managers’ potential, businesses should involve them in the planning process, provide regular training, and create a supportive environment. This will empower middle managers, enabling them to drive digital transformation effectively.

In conclusion, middle managers are an underutilised resource in digital transformation. By providing them with the necessary tools and support, businesses can harness their potential, leading to successful digital transformation.

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