Enterprise collaboration is a buzzword in modern business, but it’s not always as effective as it’s made out to be. Despite the hype, most businesses only achieve a 10-20% adoption rate for collaboration tools, even after years of implementation. The reasons for this low adoption rate are numerous.

Firstly, most employees are not naturally inclined to share their knowledge. They fear that sharing could lead to them becoming replaceable, or that they might lose their competitive edge. Secondly, collaboration tools can actually hinder productivity. They often introduce a new layer of complexity, requiring employees to learn new systems and procedures.

Moreover, the success of collaboration tools depends heavily on the culture of a company. If the company culture doesn’t value collaboration, then employees are unlikely to use these tools. Lastly, collaboration tools often fail to deliver on their promises. They don’t necessarily improve communication, and they can even create more confusion.

In conclusion, while enterprise collaboration tools have potential, their implementation and success depend on various factors. Businesses need to address these challenges before they can fully benefit from collaboration tools.

Go to source article: http://thehypertextual.com/2015/07/08/myths-of-the-21st-century-organization-the-sad-truth-about-enterprise-collaboration/