What you need to learn to partner with generative AI

AI is everywhere—we’re in a middle of a technology shift that’s as big (and possibly bigger) than the arrival of the web in the 1990s. Even though ChatGPT appeared almost two years ago, we still feel unprepared: we read that AI will change every job and we don’t know what that means or how to prepare.

Here are a few ideas about preparing for that shift. First, understand what AI can and can’t do—and in particular, understand what you can do better than AI. It’s frequently said that AI won’t take your job; but people who don’t use AI will lose their jobs to people who do. That’s true as far as it goes (and in a “blame the victim” sense)—but the real truth is that people who can’t add value to what AI can do are the ones who are in danger, whether they use AI or not. If you just reproduce AI results, you’re very replaceable.

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