An experienced digital workplace implementation expert and adviser on workplace agility who has delivered complex projects for large organisations all around the world

Cerys is driven to create new organisational realities through practical action. Frustrated by the traditional consulting model that leaves behind too many slides and not enough change, she is on a mission to create delivery practices that focus on value, action and visible evolution within large, complex orgs.

She loves to continually address new challenges, crossing disciplines to bring innovative approaches to organisational transformation.

She specialises in bringing clarity to complex, emerging environments through sharing ideas and approaches as an educator, coaching, role modelling & advocating for new ways of working, as well as breaking down impossible goals into manageable pieces and just getting started.

Natural habitat:

Under the sea, scuba diving with sharks


Coffee, books and shipwrecks

Bad habit:

Bringing too much reality to a room full of creative thinkers


Wild swimming, scuba diving, hiking coastal paths


Selected Blog Posts

Linklog 88: How can banks embrace digital transformation?

Linklog 88: How can banks embrace digital transformation?

This week’s curator, Livio Hughes, looks at the ongoing challenges faced by banks in coming to terms with (and preparing for) lasting digital transformation in the face of a range of industry threats, including the likely entry into the market by tech giants alongside...

Enabling the Future of Work Requires a Team Focus

Enabling the Future of Work Requires a Team Focus

Working in teams and teamwork are the backbone of any modern organisation. They are where the work gets done. As organisations move away from hierarchy and towards more team-centric structures (such as podular from the work of Dave Gray or team of teams from the work...

Linklog 84: Practicing what we preach

Linklog 84: Practicing what we preach

This week’s curator, Laura-Jane Parker, reflects on an initiative started with the Post*Shift team recently, to examine and shape our internal culture and ways of working as we grow as a team. Here she shares progress so far, some insight into some of the techniques...

Building, Managing and Leading a Hybrid Workforce

Building, Managing and Leading a Hybrid Workforce

"In the future, when Microsoft leaves a security-flaw in their code it won’t mean that somebody hacks your computer. It will mean that somebody takes control of your servant robot and it stands in your bedroom doorway sharpening a knife and watching you sleep.” ~...

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started

A key challenge for organisations approaching digital transformation is knowing where to start. There are many reports available about the why, how and when of Digital Transformation. After reading them, you might think it sounds like a simple process for...

#IWD2016: Achieving parity one iteration at a time

#IWD2016: Achieving parity one iteration at a time

Today is, as I am sure many of you are aware, International Women’s Day. The theme for 2016 is a ‘Pledge for Parity’. Working in a startup, in new and exciting fields, there are scant opportunities to take a step back and count your blessings. However, last night,...