What O’Reilly Learning Platform Usage Tells Us About Where the Industry Is Headed

Welcome to our annual report on the usage of the O’Reilly learning platform. It’s been an exciting year, dominated by a constant stream of breakthroughs and announcements in AI, and complicated by industry-wide layoffs. Generative AI gets better and better—but that trend may be at an end. Now the ball is in the application developers’ court: Where, when, and how will AI be integrated into the applications we build and use every day? And if AI replaces the developers, who will be left to do the integration? Our data shows how our users are reacting to changes in the industry: Which skills do they need to brush up on? Which do they need to add? What do they need to know to do their day-to-day work? In short: Where have we been in the past year, and where are we going?

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