Teenager Robert Mfune, a British-South African entrepreneur, has built a £1m business in just six months. Starting as a tea boy at a finance firm, Mfune spent his free time learning about trading and eventually began dabbling in binary options. His talent and dedication soon paid off, and by 17, he was trading successfully enough to purchase property and a gold Bentley.

Mfune’s journey to success was not without challenges. He faced initial rejection from two firms before landing a job at a finance firm in London. There, he soaked up knowledge and began trading in his spare time, using a dummy account. After a year, he started trading with real money, and his earnings quickly escalated.

Despite his success, Mfune has not lost sight of his roots. He still lives with his mother and younger brother in Southampton, and he uses his wealth to support his family. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the opportunities that can arise from the world of finance.

Go to source article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/businessclub/money/10750741/Teenager-builds-1m-firm-in-six-months.html