Unmanaged artificial intelligence (AI) poses significant risks to enterprises. AI systems can learn and adapt, but without human oversight, they may develop biases or make decisions that aren’t in line with company policy. These systems can also become black boxes, with their decision-making processes becoming opaque and difficult to understand. This lack of transparency can lead to legal and regulatory issues, particularly in sectors like finance and healthcare where compliance is critical.
AI systems also pose security risks. They can be targeted by cyber-attacks, which can manipulate their learning processes and lead to erroneous outputs. Furthermore, AI systems can inadvertently leak sensitive information, posing a threat to data privacy.
To mitigate these risks, enterprises need to manage their AI systems effectively. This involves monitoring their performance, regularly checking for biases, and ensuring their decision-making processes are transparent. Companies also need to secure their AI systems against cyber-attacks and protect sensitive data. By doing so, enterprises can harness the power of AI while minimising potential threats.
Go to source article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2024/03/22/the-danger-of-unmanaged-ai-in-the-enterprise/