A leaked document reveals ISIS’s strategy for building a state in Syria. The 24-page blueprint, titled “Principles in the administration of the Islamic State,” details the group’s plans to build a fully functioning state with government departments, a treasury, and an economic programme. The document, believed to have been written last year, shows the group’s intention to consolidate their control over Syria, before expanding their “caliphate.”
The blueprint outlines a strategy to destabilise new territories, using sleeper cells to incite rebellion and chaos. It also highlights the importance of self-sufficiency, with plans for ISIS to control its own food, water, and oil supplies. The document suggests that the group has a sophisticated understanding of how to run a state, including knowledge of financial systems, human resources, and natural resources.
The document was leaked by a businessman operating within ISIS-controlled territory. It was then passed to the Guardian through academic researcher Aymenn al-Tamimi, who has previously obtained and verified numerous ISIS documents. The blueprint’s authenticity has been independently corroborated by several intelligence sources.
The document’s revelation could have significant implications for the international community’s understanding of ISIS and its strategy. It demonstrates the group’s long-term intentions and its potential ability to govern a state.
Go to source article: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/07/leaked-isis-document-reveals-plan-building-state-syria