Understanding the maths behind the minimum sample size in A/B testing is crucial for effective decision-making. The minimum sample size refers to the smallest number of observations or data points required to draw a valid conclusion. It’s determined by four factors: baseline conversion rate, minimum detectable effect, statistical power, and significance level.

Baseline conversion rate is the current conversion rate before any changes. Minimum detectable effect is the smallest change that one wants to detect in a test. Statistical power, also known as sensitivity, is the probability that a test correctly rejects the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true. Significance level, or alpha, is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s true.

To calculate the minimum sample size, one can use an online calculator or the formula provided. This calculation is important to ensure that the test results are statistically significant, reducing the risk of false positives or negatives. It also helps to avoid wasting resources on underpowered tests.

In conclusion, understanding the maths behind the minimum sample size allows for more accurate and reliable A/B testing, leading to better business decisions.

Go to source article: https://marktisans.com/maths-behind-minimum-sample-size-ab-testing/