Innovation needs discipline to be successful. It’s a common misconception that innovation is solely a creative process; in fact, it requires a balance of creativity and discipline. Organisations often struggle with innovation due to a lack of clear guidelines and excessive focus on brainstorming.

The solution lies in creating simple rules to guide the process. These rules should be process-oriented, not outcome-oriented. They should be based on a deep understanding of the organisation’s strategic objectives and the innovation’s specific context.

Innovation should be a disciplined process, with clear stages and decision points. Each stage should have its own specific rules, and these rules should be strictly followed.

Innovation also requires a culture of experimentation and learning. Mistakes should be seen as opportunities to learn and improve. This requires a shift in mindset, from a fear of failure to a culture of experimentation.

Finally, innovation requires a commitment to continuous improvement. This means constantly reviewing and refining the innovation process, and being open to change and adaptation.

Innovation is not just about coming up with new ideas; it’s about turning these ideas into reality. This requires discipline, clear rules, a culture of experimentation, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

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