Effective collaboration speeds are categorised into three distinct types: slow, medium, and fast. Slow collaboration is characterised by long-term planning and strategy, involving decisions that affect the entire organisation. Medium-speed collaboration involves project-level decision making, with a focus on execution and a time frame of months to a year. Fast collaboration is immediate, often daily, involving decisions that affect immediate work, like bug fixing or meeting agendas.

The key to effective collaboration lies in understanding the context and choosing the right speed. Each speed has its own tools and methods. For slow collaboration, the tools are roadmaps, vision statements, and strategic plans. For medium-speed, project plans, milestones, and backlog management are used. Fast collaboration utilises daily stand-ups, chat tools, and issue tracking.

Balancing these speeds is crucial. Too much focus on one speed can lead to problems. Overemphasis on slow collaboration can cause strategic paralysis, while too much fast collaboration can result in chaos. A balance ensures a smooth flow of information, decision-making, and execution.

Trust is integral to collaboration. It reduces friction and increases speed. To build trust, transparency, respect, and empathy are vital. Trust is built over time through consistent behaviour and open communication. Trust can be the difference between successful and unsuccessful collaboration.

Go to source article: http://www.slideshare.net/folletto/the-three-speeds-of-effective-collaboration