Ten blockchain startups are making waves in 2016, led by innovators who are changing the game. At the forefront is Ethereum, a decentralised platform using blockchain technology to run smart contracts. It’s followed by Ripple, which uses the same technology to enable secure, instant global financial transactions.

Next is Factom, which provides businesses with a data layer to secure millions of real-time records using a single hash on the Bitcoin blockchain. Augur, a decentralised prediction market platform, and MaidSafe, a project aiming to decentralise the internet, are also gaining traction.

Rounding out the top five is Steemit, a social media platform where users are rewarded with cryptocurrency for creating and curating content. Other noteworthy startups include Lisk, a platform for developing decentralised applications in JavaScript; Slock.it, a company aiming to revolutionise the sharing economy with its blockchain-based rentals; and Storj, a cloud storage platform that uses blockchain technology to improve security and decrease dependency.

Finally, there’s Blockstream, which is working on extending capabilities of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. These companies show that blockchain technology is not just about digital currency; it has the potential to disrupt industries and change the way business is done.

Go to source article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-10-blockchain-startups-watch-2016-leaders-who-game-thompson