Harnessing user frustration could be key to creating addictive products. This principle, known as the “Fogg Behaviour Model,” suggests that three elements must converge for a behaviour to occur: motivation, ability, and a trigger. Motivation is often the hardest to influence, but frustration, a powerful motivator, can be induced.

The “desire engine” is a four-step process that begins with a trigger. This could be internal, such as a feeling or thought, or external, like an email. The trigger prompts an action, which is then rewarded. The reward might be relief from the initial trigger or something more tangible. The process concludes with an investment, where the user puts something into the system, increasing the likelihood of returning.

Intriguingly, the most effective rewards are those that come as a surprise. The brain releases more dopamine when a reward is unexpected, making the experience more enjoyable. This principle is seen in action in successful products like Facebook and Twitter, where users are rewarded with unpredictable content.

In conclusion, by understanding these principles, businesses can create products that not only meet users’ needs but also keep them coming back for more.

Go to source article: http://www.nirandfar.com/2012/03/want-to-hook-your-users-drive-them-crazy.html