Nestlé’s foray into healthcare could revolutionise its business model, provided the company is willing to adapt. To monetise its healthcare bets, Nestlé must first understand the value proposition of its products and services. For instance, Nestlé’s medical nutrition products could be marketed as a means of managing chronic illnesses.

Additionally, Nestlé should consider leveraging its position in the food industry to create new value propositions, such as personalised nutrition plans. A shift from mass production to customised offerings could be a game changer.

To achieve this, Nestlé needs to innovate its business model, possibly partnering with healthcare providers. This would involve creating a new revenue stream, transitioning from selling products to selling health outcomes.

Finally, Nestlé must navigate the regulatory landscape of the health sector. This includes compliance with medical regulations and dealing with insurance companies.

In summary, Nestlé’s success in monetising its healthcare bets hinges on its ability to understand its value propositions, innovate its business model, and navigate regulatory challenges.

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