Empowerment is a term often used in business, yet it’s a concept that’s fundamentally flawed. The idea that someone can be given power is a misnomer; power is something that must be taken, not given. Empowerment often implies that power is a finite resource controlled by those at the top, a belief that can lead to unproductive power struggles within an organisation.

A more productive approach is to focus on enabling others. Unlike empowerment, enabling is about providing the resources, tools, and environment necessary for individuals to take power for themselves. It’s a shift from a hierarchical model of power to a more distributed one, where power is seen as infinite and available to all who are willing to take it.

The terms ’empowerment’ and ‘enabling’ may seem synonymous, but the subtle difference in their connotations can significantly impact the culture of an organisation. By shifting the focus from giving power to creating an environment where power can be taken, organisations can foster a more inclusive, productive, and innovative culture.

Cultivating a culture of enabling requires transparency, trust, and a willingness to relinquish control. It’s about creating a space where everyone feels they have the ability to make a difference and contribute to the organisation’s overall success.

In essence, it’s not about empowering someone; it’s about creating an environment where everyone has the ability to empower themselves.

Go to source article: https://medium.com/@johnqshift/why-you-cant-empower-someone-1053ddbb765c