Bosch has taken a revolutionary approach to work culture by implementing the “Working Out Loud” (WOL) method. WOL, initially launched as a pilot project, is now an integral part of Bosch’s corporate culture, with over 1,000 circles worldwide. The method encourages employees to set personal objectives and share their work progress in small, trusted groups, fostering transparency, collaboration, and peer learning.

WOL is not just about work; it’s about building relationships and networks that improve personal and professional development. The method has been well received, with employees reporting improved communication, reduced email traffic, and increased efficiency.

Bosch’s management is supportive of WOL, recognising its potential to stimulate innovation, improve problem-solving, and enhance customer orientation. The company is committed to expanding WOL, with plans to establish it in all divisions and regions.

WOL’s success at Bosch has led to its adoption by other companies. Bosch provides support and training to these organisations, helping them to implement the method effectively. The company also shares its WOL experiences and best practices at conferences and workshops, contributing to the wider business community’s development.

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