Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business.
Becoming an institution that organises around individuals – this is a movement we see gathering momentum.
The Great Transformation by Richard Straub is the lead article opening this week’s Drucker Forum.
Moving from skunk works to continuous innovation to create a whole-company innovation culture.
Peter Thiel on monopoly, technology and politics. One of the videos worth watching from the Web Summit last week.
An in-depth piece on Larry Page’s new mission to achieve big moonshot ideas.
How the founders of 37signals are pushing for new rules in business.
An overview of Virgin’s strategic trial-and-error process since 1968.
FT’s list of 25 Silicon Valley companies to watch.
Social Software doesn’t really matter if you do not also address underlying process issues (2010).
Bonus link: Abhay Adhikari, who is co-hosting our Digital Identity workshop, has shared a handy reading list on social media, learning and a responsive future focus.