Getting started as a digital guide

There is no role more central to organisational transformation than Change Agent or Digital Guide. There are roles that may be more strategic, but the change agent is woven into the fabric of transformation, they are the ones in the trenches, helping the organisation...

Avoiding the pitfalls of Robotic Process Automation

Organisations are poised for a revolution in the back office – emerging technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) open up the potential for exponential gains. RPA is set to see processes carried out faster, with fewer errors, 24/7 – after all...

Enterprise-wide Agility: Doing versus Being

“Doing agile is a set of activities, but being agile is the state of mind, the ongoing capability, and the cultural adaptability.” ― Pearl Zhu, Digital Agility: The Rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile When working with global firms seeking to inject agility...

Cultural Intelligence Capabilities for Teams & Leaders

The digital world is often described as flat; as a level playing field for companies where location has little to no influence on outcome. But inside large multinational companies the world is decidedly lumpy, with structural and cultural barriers inhibiting flatness...