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The Other Bubble

While it's hard to imagine, I want you to consider for a second that no company is invulnerable, and as I wrote last week, I have serious worries about the current state of Big Tech and the path it’s currently on. Go to Source

AI Can (Mostly) Outperform Human CEOs

Summary.   Generative AI has demonstrated the potential to significantly outperform human CEOs in strategic decision-making by excelling in data-driven tasks like product design and market optimization. In an experiment simulating the automotive industry, AI models...

AI leads a service-as-software paradigm shift – Foundation Capital

AI companies are leading a transition from Software-as-a-Service to Service-as-Software, turning the table on the very essence of SaaS. In the software business, a company may sell access to its platform or tool, but customers are still responsible for using that tool...

AI Could Redefine Enterprise Systems, But Where Do We Begin?

AI Could Redefine Enterprise Systems, But Where Do We Begin?

With successive waves of technology innovation and adoption, the initial applications tend to be those that make our current ways of working slightly better, and we measure their success in terms of marginal cost reduction or productivity improvement. Sometimes, like...