Our Global Moment of Liminality

  Cerys explores ways in which leaders can help individuals and organisations embrace this unique moment of liminality as we transition to new realities. A year ago, HBR shared an article on our opportunity to use the “prolonged time of trial” represented by the...

Embracing Seasonality in Change Efforts

Some thoughts on long-haul change efforts and creating a more sustainable, seasonal approach. For years whilst providing coaching & mentoring, I have encouraged a cyclical, seasonal approach to tackling goals. Matching the overall energy levels & mood to how...

Agile for All

Some reflections on the path agile is taking to adoption through organisations, drawing on some recent experiences and pain points. When organisations begin exploring agility as a key capability, there is a fairly well trodden path of discovery, until efforts stall...

Colleague-First Experiences: Another Management Conundrum

Some reflections on EX, the role of managers in creating colleague-first experiences and the challenge of relentless change for all. Investment in colleague-centricity is finally catching up to customer-centricity. We have many more conversations with our clients...

Permission To Be Different

Cerys shares links and insights into teams and leadership, inspired by the launch of a major collaborative project. This week, much of our time has been occupied with the launch of a new collaborative squad, with ambitious goals, combining the Post*Shift team, a...