Creating Psychological Safety in Hybrid Teams

In 2012, Google published the results of Project Aristotle – an in-depth analysis of the conditions needed for a team to be successful. It has led team leaders to re-evaluate the culture and environment they create. Organisations are discussing how to leverage...

The Cadence of Accountability

One of the first changes a team notices when making the move from traditional ways of working to something more agile and flexible, is how often the words accountable, responsible and ownership crop up in team discussions. Often used interchangeably, they soon become...

Business agile is a system, not a methodology

An increasing number of non-technology projects are set up to run agile (small ‘a’). They recognise the futility of trying to replicate pure Agile or Scrum projects and instead need to pick and choose the ways of working and elements that fit their needs...

Innovation labs are failing. What comes next?

Innovation labs operating at the edge of a company, focusing solely on innovation and R&D were at the height of popularity just a year or so ago, but are now closing at an ever-increasing rate. These siloed, trendy workspaces, that have little contact with the...

Enterprise-wide Agility: Doing versus Being

“Doing agile is a set of activities, but being agile is the state of mind, the ongoing capability, and the cultural adaptability.” ― Pearl Zhu, Digital Agility: The Rocky Road from Doing Agile to Being Agile When working with global firms seeking to inject agility...