When the going gets tough

Do you ever have those days, weeks or even months when everything needs to be done yesterday? The last couple of weeks have been exactly that for me. I am about to take a four week holiday from work to get married, so deadlines and demands on my time have been piling...

Digital change in banking: precursors & catalysts

The recent announcement that Wells Fargo entered into a partnership with Amazon, signalling the online retailer’s entry into the tricky – but massive – US student loan market, is only the latest in a series of alarm bells being sounded in the financial...

Enabling the Future of Work Requires a Team Focus

Working in teams and teamwork are the backbone of any modern organisation. They are where the work gets done. As organisations move away from hierarchy and towards more team-centric structures (such as podular from the work of Dave Gray or team of teams from the work...

Working Out Loud for Teams and Leaders

Last week, we joined in a co-creation effort with an amazing bunch of colleagues at Bosch and John Stepper, author of Working Out Loud, to adapt the basic idea of WOL (Working Out Loud) circles to the challenge of team development and leadership communication, and we...

Hard-coding the ‘why’ into how

Expect more, demand more Earlier this year, Deloitte released their fifth annual Millennial Survey which – besides confirming what many are experiencing around the significant reduction in average tenure, and feelings of loyalty that this generation have towards...