Permission To Be Different

Cerys shares links and insights into teams and leadership, inspired by the launch of a major collaborative project. This week, much of our time has been occupied with the launch of a new collaborative squad, with ambitious goals, combining the Post*Shift team, a...

The Fabric of the Org is Links Not Bricks

This week we look forward to the looming battle between office and “remote” working and ask what we can learn from Reddit and gamers about collaboration. Ronald Coase Reversed Earlier this week, I completed the content planning phase for an extensive...

Mind Your Language

In this edition, Livio looks at some of the subtler communication challenges we rarely focus on in digital change programmes. What’s in a word? I never cease to be amazed by the speed with which certain terms spread across all sorts of business communities,...

World-Building in Hybrid Organisations

How can we move beyond ‘managing’ one-size-fits-all workplace culture and think about world-building or cultivating a hybrid ecology in the post-lockdown period? Can online working reach escape velocity? The debate about whether – and how – to...

The * of Crowds

Thinking about three very different examples of the wisdom, stupidity and bravery of crowds, and how we should never under-estimate so-called “users”… With Great Reach Comes Get Responsibility… I really enjoyed reading up on three wildly divergent...