(Don’t) Hail the Chief!

When a new technology or way of working emerges, the first instinct of many organisations is to appoint a Chief X Officer, which provides the comfort of knowing somebody has ‘got this’ and also that there is ‘one throat to choke’ in terms of accountability. And of...

Designing hybrid human-AI use cases for the enterprise

GPTs: fun, but also useful? Azeem Azhar is doing a great job of documenting and analysing the rapid development of GenAI in his excellent newsletter Exponential View, and last week he shared a discussion with one of the co-authors of the original Transformers paper...

Four Areas of AI Readiness We Need to Improve

We all have high hopes for the impact of AI and smart automation on the enterprise, but without urgent action on organisational readiness, the biggest improvements and productivity gains will likely be out of reach. As Dave Wright and Brian Solis wrote for CIO...