Leadership Development: Designing for Relevance

In this edition, we look at some common challenges faced by L&D functions when designing effective leadership development programs that deliver practical value in our ever-changing digital world. The L&D challenge Business leaders generally agree that, rather...

Scaling Trust Versus Trusting Code

Lee Bryant reflects on divergent visions for the future of the digital organisation. Towards digital organisations in 2022 🎉 2022 looks set to be a year of divergent visions of what a digital organisation means and how it is organised. Most things that matter in life...

Digital Adoption as a Driver for Change

Some notes and links on why top-down change initiatives still fail and some glimpses of a more emergent approach focussed on digital adoption. Plus ça change? It’s been exactly seven years since Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini argued that: ‘continuous improvement...

World-Building in Hybrid Organisations

How can we move beyond ‘managing’ one-size-fits-all workplace culture and think about world-building or cultivating a hybrid ecology in the post-lockdown period? Can online working reach escape velocity? The debate about whether – and how – to...

People and Machines United in Bloviation

In this edition, Lee looks at different views of GPT-3, and how the acceleration of white collar automation will change both the fitness function for managers and how we value their contributions. General AI: Genius or Bloviator? The new version of OpenAI’s Generative...