Digital Adoption as a Driver for Change

Some notes and links on why top-down change initiatives still fail and some glimpses of a more emergent approach focussed on digital adoption. Plus ça change? It’s been exactly seven years since Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini argued that: ‘continuous improvement...

World-Building in Hybrid Organisations

How can we move beyond ‘managing’ one-size-fits-all workplace culture and think about world-building or cultivating a hybrid ecology in the post-lockdown period? Can online working reach escape velocity? The debate about whether – and how – to...

People and Machines United in Bloviation

In this edition, Lee looks at different views of GPT-3, and how the acceleration of white collar automation will change both the fitness function for managers and how we value their contributions. General AI: Genius or Bloviator? The new version of OpenAI’s Generative...

Can Europe’s Automotive Sector Change Quickly Enough?

Tesla’s soaring (possibly overvalued?) stock price, and its continued ability to design and deliver market-leading electric vehicles, raise some serious questions about the structure and culture of the incumbents in the automotive sector. Bosch CEO Volkmar...

A Practical Model for Distributed Digital Leadership

Last week I presented a model of digital leadership and strategy at #SocialNow in Lisbon. Here is the text of my talk, with slides embedded at the end…   It is very hard to succeed with digital transformation in an established organisation without...