Don’t Forget ‘Soft Skills’ When Closing The Digital Gap

Most organisations currently have digital skills gaps that are holding back change. In interviews with digital and HR executives, both groups cite the lack of digital skills and values as the biggest barrier to transformation. Governments and corporates alike are...

Why Job Descriptions Need To Go

After hiring upwards of fifty people over the past ten years, I am ready to fess up. I loath writing job descriptions. A few years ago at a previous company, I introduced a new product director role within my business unit. I knew what I was after: someone who...

Stop confusing employee engagement and culture

Over Christmas, like many, I had time to catch up with family and friends I don’t get to see as often. Aside from the usual exchange of life updates, these conversations usually turn towards questions of work, namely: ‘What is it you’re doing at the moment?’. My usual...

Resolutions for Change in 2017

2016 has been quite a year. Any PESTLE analysis would paint a picture that contains more turmoil than most would have predicted 12 months ago. However, at Post*Shift, we have seen some glimmers of hope through better realisation from companies of their digital...

How To Lead In The Age Of Algorithms

Corporate leadership is already struggling to keep up with the connected workforce and increasing speed and complexity in the digital economy. But looking ahead to the rise of algorithmic and human-machine co-working, the situation is even more worrying. A reboot...