Old Wine in New Bottles

Sometimes change gets stuck between two worlds, and all we end up with is old structures with new branding. During a period of transition or paradigm shift, there is often an interim phase where we use new models to create a slightly better version of the old world...

Mind the Experience Gap

Some thoughts on making ‘experience chasms’ a bit shallower at the boundaries of traditional orgs. We’re seeing increased interest in customer and employee experience from most organisations, focused on increasing loyalty, revenues, engagement and...

Between Two Worlds

Thoughts on institutional upgrades, hierarchies versus networks, and re-wilding as an organisational design priority. This week’s ‘Lunch with the FT’ featured the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, and he had some interesting things to say ($) about how mature...

What Does it Mean to Move From Projects to Products?

As organisations work through the transformation efforts needed for increased agility, some of the required mindset shifts can easily be forgotten in the flush of initial speed, breaking things (with permission 😉 ) and training – and then abandoned. One mindset...