Leadership Development: Designing for Relevance

In this edition, we look at some common challenges faced by L&D functions when designing effective leadership development programs that deliver practical value in our ever-changing digital world. The L&D challenge Business leaders generally agree that, rather...

Scaling Trust Versus Trusting Code

Lee Bryant reflects on divergent visions for the future of the digital organisation. Towards digital organisations in 2022 🎉 2022 looks set to be a year of divergent visions of what a digital organisation means and how it is organised. Most things that matter in life...

Is Employee Engagement an Oxymoron?

With historically low engagement levels and employees leaving in droves, there is much for company leaders to be concerned about. Plus, three tips on treating your team as grown-ups. Do your people believe you any more? I recently spent some time reading Gallup’s...

Teaching Leaders Product, Platform & Portfolio Thinking

Some thoughts on using product thinking and tools within leadership development programmes Emergent Exponential Effects One of the most exciting aspects of the digital economy is its exponential nature, and the fact that small ideas, products and teams can potentially...

Digital Adoption as a Driver for Change

Some notes and links on why top-down change initiatives still fail and some glimpses of a more emergent approach focussed on digital adoption. Plus ça change? It’s been exactly seven years since Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini argued that: ‘continuous improvement...