Chasing Productivity at the Expense of Learning

In this edition, LJ reflects on the successes and failures of the 2020 remote working experiment. As we head towards the end of this extraordinary year, I have been reflecting on the successes and failures of the largest spontaneous working from home experiment. It...

Can Software Replicate the Value of Real-World Interaction?

In this edition, Livio shares some thoughts on how much better virtual environments need to be to compete with in-person interaction, serendipity & co-creation, and how team rituals might help. One of the most acutely-felt shortcomings of remote working is the...

People and Machines United in Bloviation

In this edition, Lee looks at different views of GPT-3, and how the acceleration of white collar automation will change both the fitness function for managers and how we value their contributions. General AI: Genius or Bloviator? The new version of OpenAI’s Generative...

The ESN as an Engine for Employee Experience Improvement

We have worked with enterprise social networks (ESNs) for over 15 years, helping organisations to create a connected context, networks and communities to support new ways of working and overcome the harmful effects of silos. In Munich this week, at the 15th Social...

Our Guide to the Evolution of the Digital Workplace

A few weeks ago, LJ hosted a vibrant and well-informed twitter chat about the future of the digital workplace, which we summarised in a blog post. It occurred to us that there are a lot of people and organisations still working hard to develop a basic connected...