Three themes from dConstruct 2013

Last week’s dConstruct 2013 was a fun and interesting event, with much nutritious brain food on offer; but more than anything else, I enjoy the great atmosphere of thinking, doing and exploring. The theme this year was communicating with machines, but the talks...

Grow your own organisational structure

MBA libraries and airport bookstores are testament to a surfeit of ideas about how to manage companies more effectively. Most of this advice takes corporate structures as a given, and offers sage advice to enthusiastic executives on how to succeed within the existing...

A rose by any other name…

There have always been debates about how we label the shift in business technology and associated practice that we were part of for the past ten years; but our view has always been that what you do matters more than the label you choose, so we have been fairly...

Saying Yes at YxYY

I was in Stanford Mall earlier this year when Thomas called and told me to come to Palm Springs in July for an intriguing, unstructured event born of a conversation at SxSW a few years ago, entitled Yes by Yes Yes. I booked a ticket right there and then on my phone....

The Occasional Beauty of Industrial Machinery

I have always loved this old crane that lives in the Belem marina, Lisbon. So simple, so functional and shows the occasional beauty of the industrial era. I wonder how much of the code and company structures we build today will still be working this well in 50 years...