How To Become Agile—Without The Agile Labels

Agile management methods, often seen as a buzzword-laden trend, can be stripped of jargon and still offer significant benefits. The core principles of Agile include focusing on customers, collaborating as a team, and embracing change. Organisations can adopt these...

The Case Against Agile: Ten Perennial Management Objections

Agile management is often met with resistance due to ten common objections. Firstly, it’s seen as chaotic and lacks discipline, with no comprehensive plans or documentation. Secondly, it’s viewed as something only applicable to software development, not...

Why Agile Turn Into Micromanagement

Agile micromanagement is a paradox, as it contradicts the very principles of Agile methodologies. Agile is about empowering teams, fostering a culture of trust, and promoting self-organisation. Micromanagement, on the other hand, is a command-and-control practice that...

Why Agile Didn’t Work

Agile methodologies are not a panacea for all project management woes. Agile methods can sometimes fail to deliver expected results, often due to a lack of understanding or misapplication. When Agile fails, it’s typically because the team hasn’t fully...