Principles and Patterns over Dogma and Rules

Transforming our organisations will require huge shifts in basic digital literacy and ways of working for almost every employee outside of technology & development teams. New digital hotspots are starting to emerge, but scaling and replicating these emerging areas...

Linklog 45: strategy, org change & leadership

Want receive our linklog in your email? Sign up here   FROM THE POST*SHIFT TEAM Cultivating future leaders by encouraging and supporting change agents. Join our event on Sep 16 where we will discuss how internal change agents can strengthen their role in orgs. ...

Linklog 23: organisations, innovation and future of work

  Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business Want receive our linklog in your email? Please sign up here   ORGANISATION Zappos just offered severance to employees who are not onboard with Holacracy, as part of their...

Linklog 9: management, digital futures and design thinking

  Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business Want receive our linklog in your email? Please sign up here   ANNOUNCEMENTS We are looking for some smart people to join our team. Is that you? Only a few spots are left for...