Measuring the Economic Impact of Digital Change

In this issue, Livio digs into some of the ways that digital leaders can quantify the value of their transformation efforts and translate them into measurable financial benefits. 8 out of 10 IT execs prefer… Demonstrating the business value of IT is an established...

Scaling Trust Versus Trusting Code

Lee Bryant reflects on divergent visions for the future of the digital organisation. Towards digital organisations in 2022 🎉 2022 looks set to be a year of divergent visions of what a digital organisation means and how it is organised. Most things that matter in life...

More Thoughts on the Digital Leadership Gap

This week, Lee reflects on the leadership reform agenda we need to pursue to unlock the productivity gains we hope to see from digital innovation. Somewhere over the rainbow? It feels like there is so much potential value just over the horizon – such an...

Lessons For Emerging Leadership Development

In this edition, Cerys looks at what emerging leaders need when faced with the challenge of building the future of their organisations. Being identified as an emerging leader is both a proud and daunting moment for many – stepping into a sliver of limelight...