Change the old or build the new?

This week, Lee Bryant considers the difficulty of trying to change organisations from within, and considers the role that technology might play in building the future firm. We work with large organisations that have typically optimised their management structures and...

The Cadence of Accountability

One of the first changes a team notices when making the move from traditional ways of working to something more agile and flexible, is how often the words accountable, responsible and ownership crop up in team discussions. Often used interchangeably, they soon become...

Innovation labs are failing. What comes next?

Innovation labs operating at the edge of a company, focusing solely on innovation and R&D were at the height of popularity just a year or so ago, but are now closing at an ever-increasing rate. These siloed, trendy workspaces, that have little contact with the...

Getting started as a digital guide

There is no role more central to organisational transformation than Change Agent or Digital Guide. There are roles that may be more strategic, but the change agent is woven into the fabric of transformation, they are the ones in the trenches, helping the organisation...