Joining The Future Workforce

The circular conversation about robots taking all the jobs rumbles on. In some industries however we see the dawning realisation that automation is not occupation-focussed, but task focussed, and the composition of tasks dictates how fast a role will be automated....

Change the old or build the new?

This week, Lee Bryant considers the difficulty of trying to change organisations from within, and considers the role that technology might play in building the future firm. We work with large organisations that have typically optimised their management structures and...

Creating Psychological Safety in Hybrid Teams

In 2012, Google published the results of Project Aristotle – an in-depth analysis of the conditions needed for a team to be successful. It has led team leaders to re-evaluate the culture and environment they create. Organisations are discussing how to leverage...

Fostering the conditions for innovation

Social, collaborative innovation, powered by the wisdom of the workforce is like a golden goose – it can produce great value, but only if the conditions are just right. You need the right workforce, motivated and aligned in just the right way. Innovation...