Holacracy: not safe enough to try – Julia Culen

Holacracy, a self-management practice for running purpose-driven, responsive companies, has been criticised for not being safe enough to try. Critics argue it lacks psychological safety, a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. They believe...

Holacracy: not safe enough to try — Medium

Holacracy, a management system championed by Zappos, is under scrutiny for its effectiveness and suitability in the corporate world. Critics argue that it is too idealistic, not taking into account the inherent power dynamics and politics within organisations. They...

Holacracy – management fad or miracle? | simply communicate

Holacracy, a social technology for purposeful organisations, is a management system that offers a new way of running companies. It replaces traditional hierarchy with a more flexible, agile structure, empowering all employees to make decisions and drive change. The...


Holacracy is a contemporary management system that replaces the traditional hierarchical model with a flat structure. It offers a more dynamic, responsive organisational framework that empowers employees, fostering innovation and productivity. Key principles of...