Getting lost in the organisational cave

Organisations generate rules and guidelines to govern behaviour and to avoid problematic outcomes, but over time these rules can chip away at the sense of ownership, autonomy and accountability that we want to see in a modern workplace. Getting the balance right is...

The cult of bare minimum learning

The past few years have seen an increasing investment in solving the growing digital skills gap within organisations. There are pockets of employees, even in leadership, who adopt learned helplessness with a chuckle – as if it is OK to lead in the digital age...

Our Global Moment of Liminality

  Cerys explores ways in which leaders can help individuals and organisations embrace this unique moment of liminality as we transition to new realities. A year ago, HBR shared an article on our opportunity to use the “prolonged time of trial” represented by the...

our leadership crisis

Leadership is currently facing a crisis, with many leaders failing to inspire trust or create environments that encourage collaboration and innovation. This crisis is exacerbated by the fact that leadership models are not evolving at the same pace as our rapidly...

Teaching Leaders Product, Platform & Portfolio Thinking

Some thoughts on using product thinking and tools within leadership development programmes Emergent Exponential Effects One of the most exciting aspects of the digital economy is its exponential nature, and the fact that small ideas, products and teams can potentially...