How do you change the place where work happens?

Welcome back to the Post*Shift Linklog, picking back up after our summer break. This week’s contributor, Laura-Jane Parker, reflects on the challenges faced by organisations in encouraging new ways of working. The digital workplace tools landscape has had a...

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap in the Digital Workplace

An organisation’s approach to learning is a key success factor in its digital transformation efforts, and we are seeing three areas of focus emerging as predictors of maturity:  how an organisation bridges its digital skills and confidence gaps how an organisation...

Empowered Teams Need Enabling Leadership

Recently I’ve been seeing some pushback against the buzz around employee empowerment. Like any management trend, there is a valid critique to be voiced when an organisation talks about empowering their employees, but in reality doesn’t follow through and...

Making the time to work on the team, not just in one

This week, our curator Laura-Jane Parker reflects on the importance of making time to develop your teams ways of working for greater resilience. At Post*Shift, our mission is to help organisations transform themselves into 21st century businesses. To do this well, we...

Retaining digital talent

The demand for digital talent at all levels of the organisation far outstrips supply. Research by Mortimer Spinks indicates that by 2020 the UK is expected to have a shortage of 800,000 tech workers. Recruiting them costs more and takes longer than any other type of...

Measuring how trust manifests in organisations

Building a culture of trust between management and the workforce is a key factor in reducing resistance to organisational change, and it helps create stronger alignment and sharing of ideas and practices. But, typically, trust is only measured once a year, or once a...