Embracing Seasonality in Change Efforts

Some thoughts on long-haul change efforts and creating a more sustainable, seasonal approach. For years whilst providing coaching & mentoring, I have encouraged a cyclical, seasonal approach to tackling goals. Matching the overall energy levels & mood to how...

Digital Adoption as a Driver for Change

Some notes and links on why top-down change initiatives still fail and some glimpses of a more emergent approach focussed on digital adoption. Plus ça change? It’s been exactly seven years since Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini argued that: ‘continuous improvement...

Online Identity & Trust-Building 101

In this edition, Livio considers some of the basic steps that leaders need to take to improve their visibility and credibility using digital workplace platforms. Friends reunited Last week, we invited our friend Katharina Krentz to introduce a selected management...

Colleague-First Experiences: Another Management Conundrum

Some reflections on EX, the role of managers in creating colleague-first experiences and the challenge of relentless change for all. Investment in colleague-centricity is finally catching up to customer-centricity. We have many more conversations with our clients...

The Fabric of the Org is Links Not Bricks

This week we look forward to the looming battle between office and “remote” working and ask what we can learn from Reddit and gamers about collaboration. Ronald Coase Reversed Earlier this week, I completed the content planning phase for an extensive...