Agile 2 In a Nutshell – Agile 2

Agile 2 is a new approach to Agile methodology, designed to address the limitations of traditional Agile. It provides a more holistic, flexible, and customer-focused way of working, emphasising the importance of thinking over doing. Agile 2 recognises the value of...

Principles and Patterns over Dogma and Rules

Transforming our organisations will require huge shifts in basic digital literacy and ways of working for almost every employee outside of technology & development teams. New digital hotspots are starting to emerge, but scaling and replicating these emerging areas...

What Does it Mean to Move From Projects to Products?

As organisations work through the transformation efforts needed for increased agility, some of the required mindset shifts can easily be forgotten in the flush of initial speed, breaking things (with permission 😉 ) and training – and then abandoned. One mindset...