Will AI Deliver the Productivity Boost we all Hope For?

Benchmarking against the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a defining moment in human history which marked a monumental shift from manual labour to mechanised production. Yet, the productivity increase was initially only about 3% per decade between...

AI Experts Aren’t Always Right About AI – Bloomberg

AI experts do not always predict the future of artificial intelligence accurately, as their predictions are often influenced by their own biases and perspectives. These experts may overstate the potential of AI due to their enthusiasm for the field, or downplay its...

Let’s (Not) Make Bots In Our Own Image

Approximation & Interpolation It is impossible to ignore the wave of excitement, hype and alarm that the launch of ChatGPT – and its recent adoption by Microsoft as an enhancement to its Bing search engine – has created in the past couple of weeks....

Little Helper, not Big Brother

Amid the AI hype and fear-mongering, there is value today in creating augmentative little helpers in the workplace, rather than trying to simply replace people. We make our tools, and our tools destroy us in a robot uprising make us Amid reports of ChatGPT being used...