Practical ideas to level up your social platform

In the various intranet and social technology conferences I have spoken at this year, I have been surprised by the limited scope and mandate of intranet manager and Enterprise Social Network (ESN) community manager roles in some organisations. In many cases, the role...

5 factors driving digital transformation

Digital transformation is being driven by five key factors: customer expectations, product digitisation, technology, competition, and innovation. Today’s customers demand seamless, personalised experiences, pushing businesses to adopt digital strategies. The...

Digital transformation in insurance: beyond CX

Do insurers get FinTech? Coming at a time when, according to Gartner, “half of CEOs expect their industries to be substantially or unrecognizably transformed by digital”, the apparent lack of engagement with FinTech displayed by insurers in a recent...

Enterprise Social Networks: a Higher Purpose?

ESNs are now part of the furniture A basic form of social business collaboration is now an expected feature of the modern workplace, at least in terms of the prevalence of ESN platforms like IBM Connections, Jive and Sharepoint, or chat apps like Slack and Yammer....