Will AI Deliver the Productivity Boost we all Hope For?

Benchmarking against the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a defining moment in human history which marked a monumental shift from manual labour to mechanised production. Yet, the productivity increase was initially only about 3% per decade between...

Cooperation Is The New Normal At Microsoft | TechCrunch

Microsoft is shifting its culture towards a more collaborative approach, moving away from its traditional competitive nature. This change, driven by CEO Satya Nadella, aims to foster innovation and cooperation both within the company and with external partners. The...

Linklog 15: digital transformation, leadership and scaling

  Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business Want receive our linklog in your email? Please sign up here   UPCOMING EVENTS After this week’s E2.0 Summit in Paris, we will be speaking at: CeBIT, Hannover, Germany,...