Between Two Worlds

Thoughts on institutional upgrades, hierarchies versus networks, and re-wilding as an organisational design priority. This week’s ‘Lunch with the FT’ featured the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, and he had some interesting things to say ($) about how mature...

Just Another Bad Day at the Office?

In this edition, Livio reflects on the cognitive deficit of leaders, the undying corporate addiction to meetings, and why these are terrible for getting important stuff done. Reading & learning are not just ‘nice to haves’ There are plenty of reasons why time to...

Embracing Seasonality in Change Efforts

Some thoughts on long-haul change efforts and creating a more sustainable, seasonal approach. For years whilst providing coaching & mentoring, I have encouraged a cyclical, seasonal approach to tackling goals. Matching the overall energy levels & mood to how...

Why “not enough time” is no excuse

  We do a lot of work with organisations to help embed new ways of working enabled by the digital workplace. One of the most commonly cited barriers to adoption of modern work techniques is employees who think they lack the time to try new things. More often than...

Joining The Future Workforce

The circular conversation about robots taking all the jobs rumbles on. In some industries however we see the dawning realisation that automation is not occupation-focussed, but task focussed, and the composition of tasks dictates how fast a role will be automated....