Will AI Deliver the Productivity Boost we all Hope For?

Benchmarking against the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a defining moment in human history which marked a monumental shift from manual labour to mechanised production. Yet, the productivity increase was initially only about 3% per decade between...

Continuous Improvement: The big juggle

A common fallacy in team working is the assumption that productivity and continuous improvement are strongly correlated, meaning that when one improves so does the other. In fact, we need to juggle both at the same time, and that means paying attention to the subtle...

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Lee considers the debate around AGI, AI as a platform and the immense potential of modular operations + AI to improve the way we build and manage organisations Making Brains vs Connecting Brains My co-founder Livio and I used to share an apartment in London in the...

The Potential of Data Mesh

Following up on Cerys’ exploration of building data capabilities last week, I want to discuss the potential that a Data Mesh approach holds for businesses to achieve this, compared to more centralised data warehouses and data lakes (or even data lakehouses!). Perhaps...