Linklog 5: organisations, innovation and inspiring companies

Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business.   ORGANISATIONS    Becoming an institution that organises around individuals – this is a movement we see gathering momentum. The Great Transformation by Richard Straub is the...

Is the idea of disruptive innovation overstated?

Jill Lepore has produced an excellent, well-written and passionate refutation of Clayton Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation in the New Yorker; but I can’t help thinking the target of her piece is not just Christensen’s work, but also...

Who is building the institutions of the Twenty-First Century ?

The pursuit of innovation and value creation through free market competition and entrepreneurial activity has been one of the greatest drivers of human progress to date. It is not without its problems, of course, but so closely does it mirror the process of adaptation...